Terms & Conditions

We have provided various videos, question banks, papers, notes, 3Ds, AR, VR, Maps, Essays, etc, across various chapters across various subjects.

We have the right to change chapters or content or other information in the platform without your concern.

Any violation by You of the terms of this Clause may result in immediate suspension or termination of Your Accounts apart from any legal remedy that the Company can avail. In such instances, the Company may also disclose Your Account Information if required by any Governmental or legal authority. You understand that the violation of these Terms could also result in civil or criminal liability under applicable laws.

In order to access the Services and to avail the use of the Application/products, you shall be required to register yourself with the Application/Services/products, and maintain an account with the Application/Services/products. You may be required to furnish certain information and details, including Your name, mobile number, e-mail address, address, grade/class of the student, school name, payment information if required, and any other information deemed necessary by the Application, etc. With respect to the provision of information, the following may be noted:

The Company has the right to change, modify, suspend, or discontinue and/or eliminate any aspect(s), features or functionality of the Application or the Services as it deems fit at any time without notice. Further, the Company has the right to amend these Terms from time to time without prior notice to you. The Company makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue any aspect of the Application. You agree that the Company shall not be liable to You or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Application/Services.

Company shall not be liable to you or any third party for any inaccuracy, fallacy or incomplete information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Melzo may update this privacy policy. In the event there are significant changes in the way we process your personal data, we will display a notice on this site. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account.